
The Cat Bandits appear in the Netflix show Pucca: Love Recipe. They are considered master thieves, though their main objective is food. They consist of three cats. They appear in the episode with the same title.


The Cat Bandits are strays who go around the island, conning families to take them in. Once settled, they rob the homes of their food. Ching becomes one of the victims when she takes one of the cats in and finds her home ransacked of food.

Their next target was the Goh-Rong Restaurant. This goes more or less according to plan, as Dada immediately adopts and falls in love with one; however, Dada has to keep him hidden, due to Ho's apparently having a bad allergic reaction to cat fur. The cats' plans also go awry because the Goh-Rong does not keep food in the kitchen for them to steal. They deduce that the restaurant's supplies come in fresh and plan to steal them the next morning.

Another problem occurs when one of the cats becomes attached to Dada. (It's hinted they steal because they've learned not trust humans.) Despite this bond, the cats go through with their plan and steal the food. However, the trio is quickly caught by Officer Bruce.

Knowing he can't get his cat, which he has named "Jingles," out of this, Dada gives a heartfelt monologue of his love for his pet. He begs Officer Bruce to treat the cats kindly and to play with Jingles at least once a day with his favorite toy. This profoundly affects the emotions of the cats, Bruce, and even Ching, Pucca, Abyo, and Garu himself. Bruce decides to release them into Dada's custody.

They are officially adopted as Dada's pets, though it is hinted the two unnamed cats want to rob Dong King's restaurant next (though it's never shown if they do). Most likely they're all still under Dada's care.


allery> Jingles of catbanditgroup.png Dadaandjingles.png|Jingles and Dada Catbanditswanted.png Jingles of catbanditgroup.png Happyjingles.png Jinglesbell.png Reformedbandits.png|The two somewhat reformed bandit cats eating </gallery>


  • They could be a reference to the Cat Clan from the first of [[Puc

