

Pucca Power Up is a video game by Nintendo. I play it on my 3DS. Every time you change worlds the character changes too. Here is a list of how it goes but I only reached world 5 or maybe 6

1. Pucca

2. Garu

3. Pucca

4. Pucca Giant

5. Garu

And so on and so on. Sometimes the pattern changes as seen on the list above. The enimies are what you attack or you can avoid them as well as that.Obsticles are included.EXAMPLE: water.You start of with three lives as you build up. If you get 100 hearts total you earn another life. Ive reached up to 9 of them. Master Soo will tell you the rest. 21:15, July 26, 2016 (UTC)PARTY DUCK