
The Sooga Aliens (레딧비, Ledibee) are new characters added in Netflix's Pucca: Love Recipe. They are often seen in the background and are often unnoticed for their true nature. The pair are seen regularly at town and in the Goh-Rong Restaurant.


The duo appear in episode 5, "The Sooga Island Alien". Agent Smith comes to Sooga Island looking for alien activity. Agent Smith, foolishly believes that many normal citizens are the aliens. However, when he meets the two pair, he's completely oblivious to what they are. He even warmly treats them like normal human beings.

Though they in return rarely speak in English and try to mimic a few casual sayings. He doesn't realize the truth till the end, but by then one of the aliens uses his "neuralyzer" to erase the memory.

After that, they are still treated with no hostility even by Agent Smith. This indicates he's forgotten his mission or forgotten what they were.

Though there is no distinct way to tell their genders, its hinted that the pair are a couple. In episode 20, "Valentine's Day", one of the pair presents chocolates to the other. The pair are seen embracing one another, hinting a romantic connection.


  • They are often seen in a bee theme attire. But its not known if its their true appearance or disguise to blend in.

