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They are the different people that appear in all the episodes of Pucca. They are not so important but, they are in the show. Also, they are the villagers or people of another country, place or universe of Pucca.They are background characters. Also, they may live in Sooga Village or elsewhere. There are many different people in the show including Garu, Ching, Abyo, and etc. The villagers of Sooga village are none other than used as side or background characters! In Pucca: Love Recipe, they are more blended and not many have distinguishing features that separate the other.
The characters listed in this article may be found in the section for searching.
Villagers in the episode The Bones. Also we can see one of Master Soo's maidens and Pandoga
Other people that appear in the episode The Bones also we can see Muji as Frankenstein, Shaman as Snow White. Ring Ring as a fairy, Shang as a sailor and Doga as a bunny
Pucca Love Recipe one of the village children (Mathan, Starry's younger brother and one of Su Da's nephews)
Panky next to a purple-haired female villager (which is Starry, Mathan's older sister and one of. Su Da's nieces)
Pucca Love Recipe people
Pucca Love Recipe female villagers (including a crimson-haired villager with ruby red glasses)
Sooga village head nurse
Sooga village doctor
A regular background villager, she sold clothing in town
Gram (a lookalike of Granny)
Village girl with her pet dog
More Pucca Love Recipe background villagers (with some notable ones being Hwayo (The Florist), Granny, Mason (The woman behind Granny and Mathan's maternal aunt), and far back is a Sooga Alien (now known as Ledibee)
Hwayo (The Florist) seen with a brown-haired villager
Marcella (Dan's older sister)
Dan and his aunt Mason
One of the citizens in the cartoon animated version is referenced in Woolen Warrior to be a Fire Wasp Ninja.