Pucca Location
Chef Slump 002
Goh-Rong Restaurant
Type Restaurant
Location Sooga Village
Owner Uncle Dumpling, Ho and Linguini
Employees Pucca
Dandy (Pucca: Love Recipe)
Inhabitants Hai-Tais (outside the restaurant)
First episode Funny Love Eruption

The Goh-Rong (거룡, Geo-Lyong) Restaurant is where everyone in Sooga Village mainly enjoys its illustrious Jajang Noodles, which almost everyone seems to adore. The current owners of the diner are Uncle Dumpling, Ho, and Linguini, who happen to be Pucca's uncles. It has been seen and/or mentioned in every episode, serving as the main meeting place for Pucca and her friends, a segway in the plot, as well as a major center for events such as festivities.


Its appearance is standard, adorned with a red and gold facade topped with crescent-like finishes, and large wooden doors with dragon handles. It is also guarded by two stone lions called "Hai-Tais", who now and then move and give personal opinions. Not to mention the food as a favorite among the residents, and from the menu, houses a wide assortment of ethical foods, for whom without, the Sooga Village inhabitants head into a sort of limbo state.


  • In Pucca: Love Recipe, the restaurant is much smaller than it is in the Jetix series and the web animations.
  • The name in Korean “거룡” means “Giant Dragon”.

