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Cuckoo Love is the first segment of the twelfth episode of the second season and the thirty-eighth overall episode of the television show Pucca. It first aired on August 4, 2008.


Ching's pet chicken, Won, falls in love with a cuckoo bird and flies away with it, leaving Ching unwell.


The episode starts off with Ching and Won reading a fashion magazine about models with chickens on their heads. Just then, Chang enters the room, showing the cuckoo clock he just bought at the store. After Chang hangs it on the wall, the clock strikes the hour. Out comes a cuckoo bird who, upon seeing Won, falls in love. Won, having the same love-at-first-sight experience, lays 3 eggs on Ching's head before she and the cuckoo fly out of the window, to Ching and Chang's shock. While calling out for Won to come back, Ching trips and declares that without Won, she doesn't "feel right", evident with her cheek-swirls disappearing, her skin turning pale, and her hair becoming disheveled.

Chang heads out into Sooga Village, pulling Ching in a wagon as he tries to find Won. He spies the chicken just as she'd flying off with her cuckoo boyfriend. He tries to chase them down, but the bumpy wagon launched Ching out on the street. Chang runs back to her and promises to find Won or another solution.

Late in the night, under the full moon, Won is treated to a romantic mating dance by her new love.

The next day at the Turtle Training Hall, Ching and Pucca are watching Abyo and Garu spar. Abyo takes note of Ching's sickly appearance and after ripping his shirt off, uses it to fan her. She appreciates the concern, mentioning how much she misses Won. Chang bursts into the hall, declaring to the solution to her problem. She assumes he's located Won but he admits he hasn't, instead offering a French bulldog to sit on her head instead. She thanks him for his efforts but the dog begins chasing its own tail, making her head spin like a propeller until she's launched through the wall. Chang chases after her.

Meanwhile, Won and the cuckoo are relaxing in a nest. The cuckoo pinches all of Muji's hair to make the nest more comfortable for them to snuggle, much to Muji's anger and Won's enjoyment.

At Goh-Rong, Pucca gives Ching tea and support. The latter is still concerned about Won but reassures herself that she has passed the worst if it. However, she starts to hallucinate that everyone in the restaurant is Won, including Chang, who arrives to give her another substitute animal: a panda cub. The cub is so heavy, it causes Ching to fall to the floor. Everyone in the restaurant runs over to coo over the cub but scatter when its mother barges in to take it back. The two lovebirds are having another date by riding on a swan. As they started kissing, the swan honks at them so they fly away.

Back at her house, Ching has retreated to bed, feeling even sicker without Won. Chang enters with yet another substitute: a Siamese fighting fish, contained in a water-filled plastic bag. He plops the bag on her head and declares she looks beautiful, offering her a mirror to see. The fish mistakes its own reflection for an opponent and tries to 'fight' it, bouncing off the mirror and hitting Ching in the face.

The next day, Won and the cuckoo are still dating but now, issues are starting to pop up. The chicken shows anger and disgust at her avian boyfriend as he wolf-whistles to other female birds, gobbles down their dinner without leaving her any, and enjoys gross humor.

Meanwhile, Ching's condition has worsened as she is wheeled to an ambulance, watched by her very worried friends. Abyo asks what happened to her and Ching asks him to come close to her. But when he does, she starts deliriously clucking like a chicken herself, which frightens him. Chang arrives with his final attempt to replace Won, a Mandarin duck, which he plops on her head. But this bird latches onto her hair and takes flight, bringing Ching along with her.

The honeymoon phase is over for the lovebirds as Won is now fed up with the cuckoo's behavior. While they launch into an argument, she sees Ching being carried off by the duck and ditches her love affair to go after. The duck is taken off guard when an egg lands on her head, a challenge from Won. The duck drops Ching - who is glad with Won's return - and both birds draw feathers which they use to swordfight. The rest of the group finally catches up to Ching and the swordswoman proclaims how much she's missed her pet, which Won agrees with. This distracts her, though, and she is knocked aside by the duck. At that moment, the duck catches eyes with the cuckoo bird and the two immediately fall in love. Finally a single bird again, Won returns to Ching's head, returning her to health and sanity.

At Ching's house, Won and Ching are happy to be together again. Chang tells her that she shouldn't have worried from the start, now that she has Won back and his clock is now twice as marvelous, since the cuckoo bird and his new girlfriend, the Mandarin duck, are now living in it. The episodes ends with them kissing.


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  • This is the second segment to show that Won is a magical chicken, the first one being A Force of Won, where her eggs are magical (evident by a lizard eating one and turning into Godzilla). In this segment, Won is the source of Ching's energy. If Won is separated from Ching for more than a few minutes, Ching will lose her energy, and later, her mind.




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