Choco Choco is a short web animation.
It does start out with "Garu" training and he stabs a wood pole and his was stuck. He struggles but pulls it out and cut the wood pole. In the distance, Pucca hides in the bushes and watches him with a happy expression. She pops out of her hiding spot and starts to do a dance. At the end of her dance she presents a box of chocolates to "Garu" and he stood there for a moment and finally took it from her. While Pucca went all shy all of a sudden he seems loved strucked at her present and kissed her before he took off. For her she nearly passed out from being too flustered. After she regain herself back to normal she chased after him. Then the scene went back to "Garu" and he took off his mask only to reveal it was actually Santa in a disguise. He selfishly laugh as his plan worked to have the chocolate. Then Pucca had caught up and saw the mask on the dirt and the chocolate in Santa's hand. She was very mad and chased and attacked Santa. From a distance Pucca saw Garu and ran to him and beats him up, mistaken him for Santa. Santa runs past and Pucca realized she beat up the real Garu instead. At the end Garu as a single tear comes off his right eyed. In a lot of pain from the beating he did just take. when the credits shows up Pucca was in the back still on the pursuit of Santa. For Garu he just was on the bed of flowers crying while holding the chocolate that was suppose to be for him the first place. He does of a bruised eye that is very visible.