
The Cat Clan are a trio of trouble-making alley cats who've got it in for Mio.

These scallywags sometimes sneak into the Goh-Rong Restaurant to start a fight or to find a free meal. They like Yani, Pucca's cat, but she always rejects them.

Appearance and Personality[]

  • Socrates- He has white fur with black spots and small yellow eyes. He also wears a rice hat. He is described as an intelligent cat and leader of the clan.
  • Napoleon- He has cream-colored and has droopy yellow eyes. This cat has a bad temperament.
  • Brutus- He has orange-colored fur with swirls above his yellow eyes. He's kind of silly, and he always follows Socrates and Napoleon


They seem to know a few ninja abilities, but they are still very weak.


  • They are named after historic figures.

