

—Bruce's catchphrase

Bruce (브루스, Beuluseu) is Abyo's father and the police chief of Sooga Village who takes the law very seriously, and sometimes his habits while on duty overlap into his everyday life, such as arresting the Cat Clan, The Vagabond Ninja Clan, and The Pirates. His best friend is Chang, Ching's father. Just as Abyo is a homage to Bruce Lee, Bruce's name could be referencing the Martial Arts master as well.


Bruce is the police chief of the village and is always in uniform.


He has dark glasses and the letter "P" on his hat and top left corner of his blue police uniform. Like Pucca and Ssoso, Bruce's eyes appear closed, however in some episodes, his eyes appear open, usually when he is in a state of shock. He also says ''over'' at the end of every sentence.


  • It is said that his name "Bruce" may come from the Martial Art master "Bruce Lee" as his son Abyo is based off of him.
  • It is never stated if Bruce is divorced or a widower.
  • Bruce ends all of his sentences with "Over" and says "Over and Out" whenever finished talking as if he is speaking into a walkie-talkie.

