"A Little Help Here!" | |
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[new scene]
Abyo: Ow, excuse me. I'm taking- [scene] Out of my way! I was here first. [scene] I can't believe we're gonna see Master Hiel!
Ching: Are you gonna get his autograph, Garu? [scene]
Abyo: "101 Reasons You Can't Touch Master Hiel". That's cool! [scene]
Chang: Where's your ticket, Garu? [scene] I know you're Master Hiel's number one fan Garu, but no ticket, no entry. NEXT! [scene]
Tobe: Lose something, Garu? [scene] If making you miss this show will make you miserable, then that's [scene] exactly what I will do. [scene]
[new scene]
Chang: The Turtle Training Hall is proud to present a once in a lifetime display of martial arts prowess! Please welcome the monk who put the pow in power, the one the only the legendary: Hiel Kikyu! [scene] Can we have a lucky volunteer to help with Master Hiel's first amazing feat? Catching deadly projectiles! [scene] Welcome. [scene]
Santa: Ho ho ho. [scene]
Ssoso: One does not need to see the target [scene] to hit the target. [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: Speed is strength. [scene]
Chang: Unbelievable! Next, watch as Hiel Kikyu shows his mastery of levitation. [scene]
Santa: Uh oh. [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: Balance is power. [scene]
Abyo: Too bad Garu's missing this.
Ching: Yeah, he's not gonna get that autograph [scene] he wanted either. [scene]
[new scene]
Tobe: [Mockingly] Hello Garu. I am mister ticket! [scene] Come and get me! [scene] Maybe I'll frame this, and use it to decorate... my toilet. [scene]
[new scene]
Chang: For Hiel's next wondrous feat, we need another brave volunteer. [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: An autograph? [scene] I will sign the book [scene] if you are able to beat my unequalled speed and place it in my open hand. [scene] Oh, um, [Tosses book] when I'm ready. [scene] Try to do it again. [scene] Now. [scene] Oh, uh, [scene] now. [scene] Now. [scene] Now. [scene] Now, that's it. [Cut back to Hiel Kikyu] Okay then, little one. Let us try... [scene] a real challenge.
[new scene]
Tobe: What kind of pathetic ninja needs to see [Holds up ticket] an old man do tricks? [scene]
Dada: Um, I... it's occupied... [scene]
Tobe: Oh. This is a once in a lifetime show you're missing. [scene] Maybe you can see it in your next life. [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: Now, try to guess the hand I have [scene] the grasshopper in. [scene] Huh? [scene] Beginner's luck. [Turns away] I have another challenge. [scene] This was a difficult task, little lady. [Chang suddenly starts to shake] Do not be ashamed. [scene] Enough of these games. [scene] Huh? [scene] Okay! Let us see you try to beat this! [scene] Lower the coal. [scene] Now! Lower the boy. [scene]
Dada: Oh. How did I become a part of this? [scene]
Chang: Put your hands together, ladies and gentlemen, for this truly unusual feat by Master Hiel Kikyu! [scene]
Abyo: I've seen that before. [To Ching] He should do it with bees in his mouth. [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: Bring me... [scene] the bees. [scene] I am the best. [scene] Ouch! No one can touch Master Hiel. [scene] Ow! Now I definitely won't sign the book. Ow! [scene]
[new scene]
Tobe: Your silly ticket is now worthless. [scene] But don't worry, your beloved show is [Waves hand] over. [scene]
Abyo: Wow! This ticket was worth every penny! [scene]
Hiel Kikyu: Okay... [scene] maybe just one autograph. [scene]
Tobe: Now, you're never [Shakes finger and book] getting your autograph. [scene] Uh... j-just kidding. [scene]