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The unnamed Australian Man is the main antagonist in Garu Down Under.


After Garu lands beside him, he instantly adopts him. He unknowingly poisons Garu by several things, not knowing the danger he continuously puts Garu in. He's most likely a combination of Australian stereotypes.

At the beginning, he was sad for not having a son, then Garu (trying to escape from Pucca) ends up in a plane that sends him to Australia, where the Australian Man "adopts" him. Though he means well, he's more a terrible way of teaching things and puts Garu in more harm than he does safety.

Like all fathers, the man teaches his new son that he had to be a man. But his teachings are more violent than informative. If he's not exposing Garu to something poisonous, he force feeds Garu grubs. The food tends to make Garu more nauseous.

Its during another "lesson", that he takes Garu to a rugby game with men who were much larger and rougher on Garu. But its during the game, Garu attempts to escape. During this, Pucca, Ching and Abyo find him. The Australian man grabs a kangaroo to "save" his son from the group. He successfully gets him back.

In the end, Pucca uses the world's second largest boomerang to stop the man and sends him flying away.

