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[new scene]

Man: At Noodie's Noodle Hut, you will see a noodle that's the best it could ever be! [scene] Skinny noodles, long noodles, short noodles, we got noodles! Only at Noodie's Noodle Hut! [scene]

Uncle Dumpling: Maybe we should advertise. [scene] With our own jingle, think of all the people we could inspire with our delicious cookery! [scene]

Ho: But where will we get a jingle? [scene]

Uncle Dumpling: How about having a contest? [scene] The person who writes the best jingle can perform it in our commercial. [scene]


Ching: A band? We're gonna start a band? Cool! [scene]


Tobe: There he is. [scene] When Garu goes to play that vile instrument, it will be his swan song. Do we have everything? [scene] Good. [scene]


Abyo: I'm Kung-Fu Man, no man is tougher. I'm the Kung-Fu Maaan, no man is rougher. [scene] Hi-yah! [scene] I'm Kung-Fu Man, I'm the Kung-Fu Man...

Tobe: Perhaps it would be wiser not to use the explosives as, say... [scene] BONGOS! [scene]

Linguini: Next! [scene]


Ching: This stuff is perfect! But how can we pay for it all? [scene] Can we just borrow this stuff for free?

Musician: Hey, it's all about the music lil' girl. [scene] Take what you need!


Master Soo: I've been around awhile, but I still got it. [scene] I ride on a cloud as fast as a rocket. [scene] I bring the thunder, I bring the lightning. Mere mortal man find it quite frightening! Oyyy. I'm the master of disaster, the king of swing. My maidens all love me because I sport that [scene] bling bliiing! Oy. [scene]

Linguini: Next! [scene]

Master Soo: Ech, what do you know from music?


[scene 2]

[scene 3]

Santa: Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay. Oh ho ho ho ho- [scene] No one has respect for the classics anymore. [scene]

Uncle Dumpling: Garu's song is nice, but the goal is make people eat noodles!

Linguini: And they can't do that while they're asleep. [scene]

Tobe: If there's one thing that makes my stomach turn more than Garu, it's Garu playing that stupid erhu. [scene] No no no! [scene] Now we will have to try humiliating him some other way! [scene] Garu... makes me sick. [scene] Not stealthy, [scene] stupid pigtails. Just... makes me sick.

Uncle Dumpling: This won't end well.


Ching: You know Pucca, we still need a singer. You should do it. You've got such a pretty voice. [scene]

Abyo: Stupid chefs. They wouldn't know talent if it, if it [scene] kicked them in the apron.

Ching: It's too bad that you're not a girl, Abyo. Because then you could be in our band. [scene]

Abyo: There is no way you could ever get a man like me to wear something like that. [scene] Oh, let me see that. [scene]


Tobe: Stupid costume... stupid ninja. And that... stupid girlfriend! Oh, it just... it just makes me sick! [scene]

Linguini: I guess 'Battle of the Bands' has turned into a... battle of the bands! [scene]

Abyo: When you got a hunger pain... [scene]

Band: Jajang, jajang! [scene]

Abyo: When you need, you need to gain...

Band: Jajang, jajang! [scene]

Abyo: When you want something good to eat, it's very fine to cheat! Tasty noodles, can't be beat! [scene] At...

Band: Jajang, jajang! [scene] Noodle time jajang, jajang! [scene] Noodles at jajang!

Uncle Dumpling, Ho and Linguini: It's perfect! [scene]

Abyo: Hiii-yah! [scene]

Band: Noodle time jajang, jajang! Noodle time jajang! [scene]

Tobe: Say goodnight, music man. [scene]

Ching: Now that's rock 'n roll, baby! [scene]

Abyo: Y'know, [scene] these skirts are pretty comfortable. [scene] Uh... [scene] I-I mean if you, if you have to wear one. You know.


Band: Noodle time jajang, jajang! Noodle time jajang! [scene]

Uncle Dumpling: We should've just hired you from the start, Pucca. [scene]

Linguini: Yeah. Would've saved us a whole bunch of trouble. [scene]

Ho: That... is an understatement. [scene]
